Zoomed Out

In yet another pandemic themed painting, I wanted to register the ‘zoomed out’ feeling of being not just tired of the pandemic in general, but also tired of the ways we now communicate over the internet. Experts say that we get especially fatigued because a lot of the non-visual cues that we usually use to communicate have become much more difficult or impossible to read. The ‘zoomed out’ feeling seemed to be perfectly exemplified by my brother Roal, as recorded in a recent screen shot of a family video chat. That became the subject for this painting. I am really hoping that the time when we can get together again in person is not too far away!!!

Fill My Cup Again, This Night Will Pass, Alas

“Britain Turns to Drink” ran the headline recently in the Daily Mail. I have a feeling that they are not alone, so I wanted a painting featuring alcohol in my pandemic oeuvre. I have to say that I, too, have found myself imbibing somewhat more than usual. That said, I will point out that there are also other healthy ways of coping, like good diet, exercise, meditation, strengthening connections, and creative activity. The painting features my niece, who is really good at what I was trying to capture. In the execution, the title that kept going through my mind was ‘Practice Painting Glasses’, but later I found a title in a verse from the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam:
The caravan of life shall always pass
Beware that is fresh as sweet young grass
Let’s not worry about what tomorrow will amass
Fill my cup again, this night will pass, alas.

Pets As Solace

I wanted to paint my brother in law and the reference photo that I found that I liked had his pets in it. I thought that is appropriate for my pandemic oeuvre – since pets have been a solace during this time. I know giving Teddy his daily walks has been instrumental in getting me through this! But the photo was a few years old and the pictured pets have departed – so I added his current pets in a painting on the wall and one on the mantle, creating a curious juxtaposition of past, present and future. A big thank you to all the pets!