
Besides veggies, my little plot in the community garden is providing me with plenty of artistic inspiration, and my three most recent paintings are shown above. One positive result of the pandemic was that I started walking down by the river once or twice a day. The way down to the Potomac passes by the community garden, bringing it into my “zone”, so I decided to do a plot, even though I had failed to keep up with one about a decade ago, because it was too far out of my zone. It’s working so far! I have fresh home grown organic stuff to eat, beautiful flowers to appreciate and even health benefits. One researcher did a study of centenarians around the world and found that the pastime that they all tended to share was gardening! Hopefully I’ll be doing it for a long while.


One thought on “Gardening”

  1. What beautiful paintings! And, you are still my role model. However I have not taken up gardening yet. Nor painting for that matter. I guess I just love your philosophy of life!

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