New Normal

It seems like I am actually in a slow return to ‘normal’. Too bad I forgot what that is! But my first painting of the pandemic was one of Willow representing social isolation and my post vaccination painting is also of Willow. Seeing her in her white overalls and yellow boots (yes, I had a real, in person, grandchild visit!) somehow made me want to paint her as Alice in Wonderland – I guess that can represent the strange world we are trying to emerge from – or is it where we are going? Good luck to all of us as we burst forth and gradually get back to doing whatever it was that we did!

One thought on “New Normal”

  1. These past and still challenging times should serve as a ‘wake-up call’ to everyone. We do not know what the future holds so ‘be your best, appreciate those around you, and give forth your caring thoughts and love for others’.

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