Pop’s Paintings

Many people who have been following my Social Isolation journal on Facebook think of my Dad, Pops, a.k.a Quick Carlson, as a poet, but he also has impressive artistic achievement of other kinds. I was amazed the other day, when I was looking for something in his basement, and stumbled upon a map drawer filled with dozens and dozens of his beautiful watercolor paintings from the 80s and 90s. “How come these are just living in a drawer?”, I accused. “Oh, those are my rejects”, said Pops. Maybe time is also the great healer of self-criticism, too, because when I showed him some of the photos I had taken of the paintings he admitted that they weren’t too bad. “There’s enough to have a show”, I said, but he had zero interest in that or in selling any. So, I have turned my attention to getting them to live on the walls of his descendant’s homes by introducing them in the family chat and getting response that way. The scribbly picture above is what I am getting to sort things out. In the meantime, Pops said I could make a 2021 calendar, free for download, for anyone that is interested. It’s done! Get it at


My walls are very full, but I couldn’t resist claiming this one that reminds me of the shore walks that I take so often these days.

Thanks Pops!