I was a fugitive from the NCIS (conclusion)

– Dorn concludes his adventure.

THE SCENE: In the Environmental Office of a nearly-abandoned Navy base, NCIS agents have just confronted the protagonist with what appears to be evidence of his guilt.

(You really should read part 1 and part 2 of this story first.)

I was a fugitive from the NCIS (conclusion)

Like all Navy bases, we had done a thorough environmental survey of the base property, and we had identified a small number of spill and dump sites that we were in the process of cleaning up. We gave each site a name. Some were just descriptive, like “maintenance garage parking lot” or “building 13”, and some were a bit more fanciful, like “the blackberry patch”. I reported on our progress cleaning these sites regularly to EPA, and we had press releases about them and regular well-attended public meetings for the neighboring community. 

The accusation they were following up on, the NCIS agents said, was that in addition to the list of six or eight contaminated sites that the public knew about, I was keeping a secret second list of other sites, that were never mentioned to EPA or the public. 

They showed me the evidence that was provided with by the accuser: a note in my handwriting, describing half a dozen contaminated sites in the kind of language we regularly use, but with descriptions that not only didn’t match anything we had told the public about, but which I didn’t recognize at all. 

It wasn’t hard for me to guess who had made the accusation–my document organizer. She had stumbled upon this note among the boxes and crates of reports, and convinced herself that she had found proof that we (or at least, I) were keeping deadly secrets about environmental contamination from the public. No wonder she had been acting so weird around me! She wasn’t lonesome, she saw herself as a crime-bustin’ reporter hot on a case! And I wasn’t a prospect, I was a SUSPECT!

I thought about this as I read through the list, trying to remember when I had written it and what it meant, when I saw a contamination site whose descriptive name I remembered, because it struck me as being so idyllic and picturesque, like a vacation destination. The name was “Hideaway Pond”, and it was one of the cleanup sites at a different Navy base. I took the investigators over to our Public Affairs office, where we dug up some of the public brochures about that base’s cleanup projects. All of the sites on the handwritten list were described there (phew!). I must have been taking notes at some meeting about their cleanup, and whoever had found those notes assumed I was writing about my own base.

This seemed to satisfy the agents that their work could be satisfactorily concluded, and they said they had one last question before they would be out of my hair forever: about four years earlier, one of my staff was writing up a report of a base inspection, in which they had said they found an old chemical drum out in a field, and I had edited that report, replacing the word “old” with “rusty”, and could I please tell them why I had made that change? 

I sort of remembered the report, but I didn’t have to rely on my memory because of the copious notes I had always taken. I eventually tracked down the message where I had suggested to drafter of the report that he ought to call it a rusty drum, because it was true (I said that in the message), and because it gave a more accurate picture of the situation out in that field. All those years of taking reams of notes, vindicated in one easy question!

I asked them if they would now exonerate me, but they said that their rules forbade them to pronounce me innocent and unjustly accused. They would be saying in their report that they found no evidence that I had engaged in any criminal wrongdoing, and hopefully I would be content with that. Having no other option, I was.


The story has an epilog. I was told later that the document organizer had apparently decided that the Navy was colluding in my coverup of my secret contaminated sites, and had been stopped at our base’s gate trying to smuggle out boxes of my office’s documents, perhaps to break the story to the world. I don’t know what happened to her after that, but at the time I uncharitably felt that it served her right for suspecting me of being a criminal, instead of just hitting on me like a normal decent person would have done.

Thanks for reading!

Crabbing for Mercury (part 1)

– In which Dorn describes a halcyon stay-cation.

Y’all have probably seen news of that recent study that showed what everyone knew all along–being in touch with nature has real health benefits. After some recent surgery with a side of complications, I’m really grateful to live where we do on the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay. I had already decided to post something about what it’s like living here in semi-rural semi-solitude communing with nature, but for now I’ll just share two extra-magical nature events that we’ve enjoyed here. (I’ll split my stories into two posts to strengthen my resolve not to make my posts too long.)

1. Ten summers ago or more, we had our grandsons with us for about a week, and it seemed that all of nature, especially the Chesapeake Bay, was cooperating to help keep them entertained. While they were here, we had extra-high winds that made it possible for teen/tweens to get a surfing experience on the beach out front, and still calm days just right for kayaking along the shore. We saw dolphins jumping in the air in front of our house, something I’ve probably seen less than five times in the 20 years we’ve been here. Eagles and hawks would swoop down and catch fish right in front of us and take them to their aeries down the street. We spent days stalking a manatee that had somehow strayed up north into St. Leonard harbor (we never caught a glimpse of it, but we saw its lair, and it was fun searching).

It was a great week of swimming, boating, and other playing, from before the time when our grandkids got too cool to wear their enthusiasm on the surface. By the final morning, we were spent and happy and out of ideas, and we were wondering if we could find a topper for their visit, or if we could just be tired and crabby until it was time to take them home (which still would have marked an overall successful vacation).

There was a commotion of people on the beach in front of our house, unusual for so early. The Bay was experiencing a red tide, and fish and shellfish were straying close to, and sometimes on, the shore to get enough oxygen. We saw flounders hiding in the sand, and scooped up a dozen crabs which we had for breakfast. What a perfect finale!

(This is what our catch looked like all those years ago, but it’s actually a picture of the crabs I caught for breakfast this morning, as we’ve had another red tide.)

(part 2 is here)


I was a fugitive from the NCIS (part 2)

– Dorn continues his tale.

THE SCENE: In a dimly-lit, nearly-abandoned Navy base, a skeleton crew is working to organize the base’s environmental records. Conspiracy theories are posited, secrets shared, triplicate forms collated and stapled.

(If you haven’t read part 1 of this story, you should start there.)

I was a fugitive from the NCIS (part 2)

Poster of James Cagney movie, Public Enemy

One morning as the base shutdown was progressing, I welcomed into my office a couple of polite young beefy men in dark suits. They showed me their credentials: they were agents from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), and said they had some questions for me, and would like to look at some of my records. Our environmental office records (and indeed the whole base) got inspected regularly without advance notice by Navy, the state and the US EPA, but this was the first time I had entertained a criminal investigator in my office. 

Back then I was 25 years younger and had a much much cleaner conscience than I do now, and it literally didn’t occur to me that I could have done anything to attract the interest of NCIS. So I said sure!, and answered their questions, and gave them access to all of the records we were working on.

They came back repeatedly after that over several weeks, sometimes asking new questions about how the environmental office worked or about some record they had found, sometimes carting away whole boxes of notebooks or other documents. When I asked what this was all about, all they said was that they were not at liberty to say.

The weeks stretched into months, and the NCIS agents’ continued visits started to get under my skin. Sometimes they would take away documents we were in the middle of archiving, or active records that I would need to produce if an environmental inspector visited. And although they assured me I would get everything back, I had not seen a single page returned. Plus they still wouldn’t tell me anything about what they were looking for, and I was starting to feel the pressure. It was obvious that I was a “person of interest”.

I started mentally reviewing all the environmental compliance training I had taken, and second-guessing my judgement calls about about what spills needed to be reported, or how to handle a pollutant or a hazardous material. Maybe I had done something after all, or failed to do something, and not realized it?

What if they demanded a vital record, but in my paperwork incompetence I mis-filed it somewhere and couldn’t find it? But surely if it was an accidental oversight, they wouldn’t send the criminal investigators in? What if I had inadvertently sent some Hazardous Waste to a shady disposal company, who dumped it at the side of the road?

Still from movie, Public Enemy

It was a stressful time. At least I was doing a good job of avoiding that document organizer and her amorous advances. Or maybe she was avoiding me, seeing the handwriting on the wall that my time as a free man was ending!

Finally one day, the agents announced that they had done all of the investigating that they intended to do. They said they hadn’t developed any new leads, so they were just going to ask me about it. They showed me their smoking gun–a list of place names on a yellow legal pad in my handwriting.

They had gotten a complaint that this note showed that I was keeping a secret set of records of polluted sites on the base. The Navy is governed by hazardous waste cleanup laws like everyone else, and one aspect of those laws is full public disclosure, so having a secret list of sites would have been a serious criminal offense on my part! I would be in deep trouble, not just because I was the base’s “designated jailee”, but because the secret records had clearly been written by me personally!


Piri Portrait with Animal Totem

From the www.spiritanimal.info site: “The owl spirit animal is emblematic of a deep connection with wisdom and intuitive knowledge. If you have the owl as totem or power animal, you’re likely to have the ability to see what’s usually hidden to most. When the spirit of this animal guides you, you can see the true reality, beyond illusion and deceit. The owl also offers for those who have it a personal totem the inspiration and guidance necessary to deeply explore the unknown and the magic of life.”

I don’t know if everyone has an animal totem but I always thought my daughter Piri did. I feel sure that her animal totem is an owl because when she was a baby, a particular barred owl living in our woods, got obsessed with her and seemed to be constantly watching her. He would even perch on a low branch outside the living room window so he could stare into the house when we were not outside. At night he perched on the hip of the roof and made those wheezing owl noises that are not hoots. When she was pre-school age her favorite dress, that she insisted on wearing almost every day, had an owl on it.

So when I painted Piri, I wanted to include her animal totem. -LP

Retirement Strategic Plan

The thing I am having the hardest time getting used to in retirement is all the free time. Not long ago, while I was in the work force, I was getting up at 4 AM every weekday. That was what I needed to do to get everything done! With all these looming extra hours that I have now, I find that I feel a little guilty at not using my time efficiently. But there is so much of it! I would also like to be more in a routine, but I haven’t even figured that out. For a few brief moments I entertained the idea of using productivity methods left over from my work experience to gain retirement efficiencies…